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Science Quiz
Vraag 1 van de 10
In weather terms, what is the opposite of heat?
Vraag 2 van de 10
Humpback, pilot, and blue are all types of what animal?
Vraag 3 van de 10
What is water in its solid form called?
Vraag 4 van de 10
What are male sex cells called?
Vraag 5 van de 10
Bunnies are saltatorial. Kangaroos are ricochetal. What does this mean they do?
Vraag 6 van de 10
What cells carry messages from all parts of the body to the brain?
Vraag 7 van de 10
Insects gather nectar from plants and store it in a special stomach, until it is time to be regurgitated in new form. So, what is honey?
Vraag 8 van de 10
The pancreas makes juices that help the body digest starches, fats and protein. It also regulates your body's sugar levels, so it plays a key role in what disease?
Vraag 9 van de 10
Rubber-soled shoes might protect you from what?
Vraag 10 van de 10
According to Hindu thinker Kanada, "Weight causes falling; it is imperceptible and known by inference." What phenomenon was he explaining?

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