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'Quiz on General Knowledge'
Vraag 1 van de 10
The Colloseum was used for what purpose?
Vraag 2 van de 10
What acidic precipitation occurs when sulfur dioxides build up in the clouds?
Vraag 3 van de 10
Who sang the famous song Wish You Were Here (1981)?
Vraag 4 van de 10
Who sang the famous song "Wouldn't It Be Nice" (1966)
Vraag 5 van de 10
In "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", what piece of furniture opens into Narnia?
Vraag 6 van de 10
99% of which country's population live in a valley or delta of the River Nile?
Vraag 7 van de 10
What are the dark spots on the Sun that appear in 11-year cycles called?
Vraag 8 van de 10
What is the capital of Tunisia?
Vraag 9 van de 10
A group of what makes up an archipelago?
Vraag 10 van de 10
Who sang the famous song ”Saving All My Love for You” (1985)?

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