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Mad Science Quiz
Vraag 1 van de 10
When you shuffle along carpets on dry days, the friction builds up your negative charge, which is attracted to the positive charge on a doorknob. What does that produce?
Vraag 2 van de 10
Which of these landforms is an area of land lying between hills or mountains?
Vraag 3 van de 10
If your mom has hazel eyes, what color would they be?
Vraag 4 van de 10
Hepatitis happens when it gets inflamed, cirrhosis when its tissues get scarred, and jaundice when a blocked duct overloads your blood with bilirubin. What is it?
Vraag 5 van de 10
Which scientific term is defined as outside of our galaxy?
Vraag 6 van de 10
According to Hindu thinker Kanada, "Weight causes falling; it is imperceptible and known by inference." What phenomenon was he explaining?
Vraag 7 van de 10
In 1911, what army nurse from the Australian outback developed an unorthodox treatment for polio that involved hot woolen packs?
Vraag 8 van de 10
What Bavarian physician presented a 1906 paper "On a Peculiar Disease of the Cerebral Cortex"?
Vraag 9 van de 10
Of the ten elements known in the ancient world, which one may have been named for Cyprus, where it was extensively mined?
Vraag 10 van de 10
If the doctor tells you to take your pills bid, how often should you take them?

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