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History Quiz That Pushes Your Limits
Vraag 1 van de 10
The July Revolution of 1830 toppled Charles X in favor of Louis-Philippe. Where?
Vraag 2 van de 10
Which of these people did Marcus Junius Brutus help kill?
Vraag 3 van de 10
What American industrialist said: "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses"?
Vraag 4 van de 10
What begins with the words 'We the people'?
Vraag 5 van de 10
Which famous musician disappeared whilst on-board a plane in 1944?
Vraag 6 van de 10
The Manchu Dynasty was overthrown by republican revolutionaries in 1912. It was also known as the Qing, whose name has what pronunciation ? which is totally money, dude?
Vraag 7 van de 10
Which Eastern European country was gripped by a revolution in February 2014?
Vraag 8 van de 10
What "Hero of Two Worlds" first led his red-shirted Italian legion in the 1840s, fighting for Uruguay against Argentina?
Vraag 9 van de 10
What was the name of the organization that was replaced by the UN after World War II?
Vraag 10 van de 10
The Solidarity trade union was banned by which country in 1982?

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