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Challenging Quiz About History
Vraag 1 van de 10
In the Trojan War, Paris of Troy famously stole away which woman?
Vraag 2 van de 10
The first non-Italian pope elected since the 1500s, Pope John Paul II was of what nationality?
Vraag 3 van de 10
Who did Mark David Chapman shoot to death in New York on December 8, 1980?
Vraag 4 van de 10
Deng Xiaoping is best related to which of these facts?
Vraag 5 van de 10
What is the first name of Ms Merkel, who won the German Chancellor election in 2005?
Vraag 6 van de 10
By the assassination of this person the Great War started. Who was this?
Vraag 7 van de 10
Who was the first person to set foot on the Moon?
Vraag 8 van de 10
Hieroglyphs were used by which of these civilizations?
Vraag 9 van de 10
When did the United Kingdom grant independence to India and Pakistan?
Vraag 10 van de 10
Republican nominee for the US presidency in 2012, Mitt Romney, is a devout follower of which religion?

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